It’s hot, but…

I’ve often commented that New Englanders have one very strong thing in common – and it is not as simple as “the weather…”  It is that we all complain about the weather, and take great pride in having the most relevant complaint on any given day. However, there are so many wonderful, needed things that come along with this summer heat; all I need to do is review some moments from yesterday:

  • seeing multiple happy kayakers on the river during the daily bike ride with my youngest
  • the cardinal family that has taken over our backyard
  • laughing outside with the whole family as our older sons attempt to fill out job applications (“What’s my middle name?”)
  • pizza, strawberry lemonade
  • late evening time with friends to celebrate a birthday

This tropical atmosphere is something to treasure, because soon we’ll be on to some other weather mystery.  Something to complain about? Probably. But the summer affords us so many beauties to behold and take in, why not enjoy and live in the gift of its warmth?