Dear Friends:
It has been quite awhile since last sending out updates on my concert work, and, after a needed hiatus, I’m excited to share news of a new direction for my music-making. Music for Mission is the new home of my pipe organ and piano music, both recorded and in concert, and it is my hope and goal to share great music for these instruments while at the same time making a difference with various causes and charities. Read more about it at my new website,, and keep checking in as more events are added to the calendar.
Tom Ingrassia continues to manage my concerts with great agility, and he is actively looking for places where I can present organ and organ/piano concerts to benefit a mission that is dear to the hearts of individuals within that church. If you have any ideas in that regard, please reply to this email, or click here to contact Tom directly.
Recording News:
Next week, I am returning to the studio to record a number of my original piano compositions for a CD entitled Peace. Most of these works were written during 2009 and 2010, and are meditative, prayerful pieces suitable for any type of relaxation. In a concert I recently gave, I made note that it is “OK to fall asleep in church” during the playing of this music… in fact, it is a compliment! Stay tuned for details on how to get the final CD.
My two other CDs for pipe organ,The Organ at Worship and In Quiet Joy, are for sale on my website and at iTunes. Half of the proceeds from all online sales go to a mission that is dear to Mary Beth and me: Women for Women is an organization that helps women support their families and create a better life in war-torn countries.Click here for details.
Return to Mechanics Hall:
Join me on Wednesday, August 8 at Mechanics Hall in Worcesterfor the first Music for Mission concert. Part of the Worcester Organ Concert Series at that famed hall, this concert will benefit the Worcester American Guild of Organists Young Artist Scholarship Fund.
I first played at Mechnics Hall in August of 2005, and it is very exciting indeed to return there! The 4-manual Hook organ from 1864 presents unique challenges for the organist, but the reward is a sweet and majestic sound that can’t be heard anywhere else. The picture here is from that concert in 2005. Jonah is now well over 6 feet tall!
Click here for concert details, and I hope to see you there to hear great music and to support the Worcester AGO’s mission to continue teaching the organ to new students.
Thanks for all of your support over the years, and I’m glad to have you along for the ride on this new venture!