Worlds collide

piano compositionOne of the challenges of writing music is finding time to “make it happen.”  This is actually a misnomer (at least for me), because I truly feel I have very little control over when and how it happens.  So, it is more accurately finding time to “let it happen.”

Just before lunchtime yesterday, things with my web business freed up enough that I could sit at the piano for awhile, and yes, a piece I had started months ago actually developed into a page and a half of new stuff.  Momentum was great, I was having fun, my son was hanging out and listening…  and then the phone rang. After a half hour on a necessary business call, I went back to the piano and only seemed to be able to play the same two chords over and over!

The irony, of course, is that the music I write is so clearly about relaxation, focus, meditation, centering, contentment, quiet…  It seems I’m much better at preparing that space for others than for myself.