Celebrating our musical family

Yesterday we celebrated the end of a truly great choir season at church with a party at the home of two beloved choir members.  The choir is “family” in so many different ways. In fact, in some cases we see each other more than our “real” extended family, and share in more of life’s ups and downs than even the closest in our lives. We get to make music together, which requires great trust in each other. Music is not just a technical thing, but emotional as well, so we also need to feel safe in sharing that in a group setting.  When it works (and in this choir it does!), the result is an amazing group of people, first, and the secondary benefit of awesome music-making.

So, it is with some sadness that we take a break for the summer.  It’s like we’re taking an extended vacation: Yes, it’s fun and necessary, but I’ll sure be glad to be back “home” in the fall!