Weekend miscellania

Saturday listing of ongoing events…  My apologies for any repetition, but these are all dear to my heart:

  • Public release of a new website this week, by my company, North Forty Road Web Design. Check out www.flodellexteriors.com. Feel free to contact me if you have any website questions – I’m always glad to help!
  • Auditions for adults and children can be scheduled at any time for December Lessons and Carols and Spring 2011 Concert: www.musicatfirst.org
  • Sunday Worship at First Congregational, Bristol, CT is our second Sunday in “summer mode,” featuring our Summer Singers.  This was a great success last week, with several enthusiastic singers.  Are you a frustrated choral singer and would like to join in?  Join us in the choir loft at 9:00 to sing a simple anthem!

Weekend miscellania

Saturday listing of ongoing events…  Some fall into the “Shameless Self-promotion” category, for which I apologize, but may be enjoyable for weekend web surfing nonetheless.

  • Auditions for adults and children can be scheduled at any time for December Lessons and Carols and Spring 2011 Concert: www.musicatfirst.org
  • Sunday Worship at First Congregational, Bristol, CT is Children’s Day, which will include reading and presentations by our church school, as well as a very cool medly of traditional church school songs sung by the Cherub Choir.

Memorial weekend worship

It was a bright and beautiful Sunday – we started worship with my piano piece, “Remembrance,” and walked together outside while singing loudly and proudly, “America the Beautiful.”  Outside, in a long-standing First Congregational tradition, we gathered in the Memorial Garden, where the names of those among us who have died in the past year were read in prayerful honor.  For me, it was a review of the funerals that I had taken part in over the past year, providing comforting music and helping this unique moment in the life of a family to be a little more about thanksgiving and a little less about mourning.

As each name was read, the lowest bell in the church tower was tolled,  a powerful use of a single musical note.  The sound of the bell, the surrounding birds, the blowing breeze were together a fitting memorial to these people – returned to nature, remembered, honored.